Touch-a-Truck program brings important safety lessons to local children

Touch-a-Truck is a Waste Connections program that brings little kids, young people and big trucks together in a child-friendly way to talk about safety. This year, Rogue Disposal & Recycling participated in this nationwide educational program for the first time.
At the request of the Cubhouse Preschool in Central Point, a big red Rogue truck, stopped by the school on Tuesday, April 23. During the 30-minute visit, Josh Cole, Commercial Operations Supervisor, explained how the truck works and how important it is to be extra `careful around trucks and to stay far away from them when they are on the street picking up trash.
In addition, a trio of Rogue employees were on hand to help the kids see the truck up close and personal, while making sure they were all safe and accounted for.
According to Loren Brown, District Manager for Rogue Disposal & Recycling, Touch-a-Truck is another way for Rogue to get out into the community for face-to-face interactions, giving folks a chance to get to know us — and for us to know them. “By focusing on our number one core value — safety — we can share how vital safety is to everyone, including kids and youth. This is another example of how we help make our community a great place to live.”

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