Accessing the trash, recycling and waste-related information you want has never been easier!

Sign up for reminders
Want to know about weather-related issues or service delays? How about when the next Household Hazardous Waste drop-off day is coming up? Sign up for reminders from Rogue Disposal & Recycling and we’ll let you know. Choose from email reminders or phone messasges — whichever delivery method works best for you. And by enrolling in reminders, you also automatically receive service alerts too. Sign up here.
Sign up for alerts
Sign up for alerts from Rogue Disposal & Recycling and we’ll notify you when there are weather-related issues (like icy roads) or service delays. Alerts will let you know about major program changes too — with a simple message sent straight to your email box. Sign up here.
Download the RDR Mobile App
Have something you want to dispose of or recycle but you’re not sure how? Forgot if this is red-lid or green-lid recycling week on your street? Now there’s a Rogue Disposal & Recycling app for that! If you have a smartphone, go to the App Store or Google Play Store, search for the “Rogue Disposal Mobile” app and download it — free!
If you have an iPhone, download your app here, If you have an Android device, download your app here.
And that’s just the beginning! You can also use the RDR App to find out how to dispose of household items. Anytime you have something to get rid of but you’re not sure how, just type in the name of the item (like corrugated cardboard, glass jars, egg cartons or batteries) and click “search.” It’s that easy. Depending on the item, you’ll learn whether it belongs in the recycling roll cart, the yard debris roll cart or the trash … whether there are drop-off options … and any other services or options that may be applicable. It’s a great way to get all the trash and recycling resources you need, right at your fingertips.

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