Thanks for handing off your household toxins!

Like most everything in 2020, this year’s Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day didn’t go as originally planned due to COVID-19. Initially scheduled for May, this year’s drop-off day — our 29th annual event — took place in mid-October, with coronavirus safety precautions in place. As in past years, we worked with a specially trained team from Clean Harbors — a national leader in hazardous waste management.
On Friday, October 16, we processed a total of 17 conditionally exempt generator (business/industrial) accounts — including some very large loads. A big thanks to all the businesses that applied and turned out.
On Saturday, October 17, it was a full day for area residents to drop off household hazardous waste — things like cleaning supplies, garden chemicals and more. A total of 792 different vehicles showed up at the Transfer Station, safely dropping off their household toxins. This was the largest car count we’ve had for this event since 2010, and following a morning rush, we saw steady traffic throughout the day. Thanks to everyone who came out and took advantage of this yearly event.
In order to make the event as safe as possible for both customers and staff, we waived the $5 per vehicle fee this year as a way to further reduce contact. Unfortunately, this also meant eliminating the reuse table — a popular feature of past Household Hazardous Waste events. Thanks to everyone who came out and took advantage of this yearly event.

Now that the annual event is over, what do I do with my unwanted household hazardous waste until next year?
Since it will be a while until our next annual event, store your unwanted cleaning supplies, bug spray, varnish, pool chemicals and other household hazardous waste items somewhere safe and out of reach for children and pets — preferably in a locked cabinet or area that’s inaccessible. Avoid extreme heat or cold and keep in a well-ventilated area.
Southern Oregon Sanitation is holding a similar Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event on November 6 (for businesses) by appointment and November 7 (for households), from 9 am to 3 at the Southern Oregon Sanitation Transfer Station in Grants Pass. Learn more here.
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