Staying safe at the Transfer Station

Safety is the primary concern in all of our operations, including the Transfer Station in White City. In order to keep you as safe as possible while you’re on site, we’ve identified several high-traffic “hot zones.” Whenever you visit the Transfer Station, it’s important to exercise extreme caution and awareness. Make sure to pay attention to the signage located throughout the site — designed to help with traffic flow, call out safety rules, and list accepted materials policies.
Safety begins in your vehicle
As soon as you turn into the main entrance of the Rogue Transfer & Recycling site, signage will guide you to the correct locations. Here’s a quick list of things to remember once you’re on site:
- Observe the posted speed limit
- Follow all posted traffic directions and signs
- Safety belts must be worn by everyone in a moving vehicle
- DO NOT PASS moving vehicles
- Maintain 6’ of space between vehicles when you’re in lines or parking inside the Transfer Station building
- When you’re ready to back up inside the Transfer Station building to dump your materials, honk your horn
- While inside the transfer station, yield to heavy equipment operations
- Children and pets must remain inside the vehicle at all times
- Follow the directions of Rogue Transfer & Recycling staff
- Always be aware of other vehicles and drivers when traveling in work areas
Safety in the recycling areas
The Recycling Depot is a paved area with clear signage for each type of material accepted for recycling. Remain alert as you drive into the area, unload and drop off your materials, and drive back out. Be aware that this is a working facility, with both customer vehicles and work vehicles, as well as workers on foot.
Safety in the Transfer Station building and drop-off area
Once you’ve stopped at the pay station and made it to the entrance to the Transfer Station, an attendant will let you know when it’s safe to enter the materials drop-off area. Along with other customers, you will be in close proximity to heavy machinery and Transfer Station staff at work. Safety in this hot zone is paramount.
Inside the building, you will be directed by a Rogue Transfer & Recycling attendant into one of 16 disposal bays. As you back your vehicle into the stall, be mindful of other vehicles and staff working nearby. Once you offload your waste onto the tipping floor and are back in your car (buckled and ready to go), make sure the area is clear, then slowly and safely pull your vehicle out of the stall and out of the Transfer Station building. The noise level inside this facility can get quite loud, so it’s crucial that you keep your eyes open for any safety-related issues.
Safety in the yard debris and Rogue Compost area
After paying and following the signs to the yard debris drop-off area, an attendant will show you where to drop-off your material. Be sure to always follow the directions of on-site personnel. For safety reasons, you are only allowed out of your vehicle to un-tarp a load and unload yard debris. Never walk or drive behind a vehicle that is backing up. And remember that if you can’t see the equipment operators, they can’t see you.
By maintaining awareness of any people or vehicles around you and proceeding with caution, you can help prevent accidents and keep everyone safe on site. If you have any questions or need assistance while you’re at the facility, the various attendants on site will be more than happy to help you. Stay sharp — and stay safe!
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