What’s New At Rogue
It’s never been easier to keep track of what’s happening at Rogue Disposal & Recycling. Looking for the latest on changes to curbside recycling? Not sure which holidays have pickup service schedule changes? If it’s news about our programs, services, schedules and events, you’ll find it all right here.
Community shred event helps residents securely shred personal documents
On Saturday, April 24, 632 vehicles passed through the event site in the Medford City Hall parking lot, with 372 of those vehicles dropping off bags of personal documents for shredding at no cost.
Read MoreKeeping Rogue Valley air cleaner with CNG
Rogue Disposal & Recycling is doing its part every day to help keep the air quality in the Rogue Valley clean.
Read MoreJoining forces to feed the hungry: 12th annual Mayors United event raises highest-ever amount
This year’s Mayors United event and auction, held virtually on March 5, raised over $155,000 for ACCESS.
Read MoreThanks for handing off your household toxins!
Like most everything in 2020, this year’s Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day didn’t go as originally planned due to COVID-19. Initially scheduled for May, this year’s drop-off day — our 29th annual event — took place in mid-October,
Read MoreCelebrating Ollie’s third birthday, Rogue Disposal & Recycling style!
For some kids, it’s dinosaurs. For others, it’s space ships and rockets. But for Ollie, nothing beats the bright red Rogue Disposal & Recycling truck that comes through his neighborhood each Friday.
Read MoreCurbside plastic recycling is back — #1 (PET) and #2 (HDPE) plastic bottles and jugs
Thanks to you, we’re able to add specific, frequently used plastics back into the curbside recycling program.
Read MoreCustomer service changes due to COVID-19
With the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak now affecting communities in the Rogue Valley, our top priority remains the health and well-being of our employees and customers. First and foremost, all weekly trash and recycling collection services are running on schedule, per usual.
Read MoreGood things are growing thanks to a unique partnership rooted in helping others
What do raised beds and root vegetables have to do with Rogue Disposal & Recycling? Simple. We believe in giving back to the people and communities we serve.
Read MoreTeam Rogue members heading to 2019 Road-E-O nationals
Two drivers, an operator and a mechanic from Rogue Disposal & Recycling and Dry Creek Landfill competed at one of this year’s regional Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) competitions.
Read MoreTurning yard debris into yard-friendly compost
Quick, what’s one of the best ways to maintain a lush yard or garden while improving soil health, increasing water retention and supplying micronutrients? Compost! But not just any compost, Rogue Compost — produced from yard debris collected right here in the Rogue Valley.
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